Peaceful Chaos: Lessons from a Crowded Mumbai Local

Warning: This one is a lengthy blog, but I hope you'll take a moment to dive in—meaningful insights are waiting for you! 

We often think of peace and stillness as something that can only be found in quiet, serene environments—far removed from the chaos of daily life. Yet, sometimes, peace finds us in the most unexpected places, like the midst of a crowded Mumbai local train.

On my recent trip to Mumbai, I found my health and routine thrown off balance by erratic eating and sleeping patterns. It was becoming overwhelming, as some of us seem to age differently, and the fast pace was taking a toll. One afternoon, I decided to head back to the farm—my sanctuary—at any cost. Without much thought, I packed my bags with essentials: clothes, laptop, yarns, and a few snacks, and made my way to the station for a 4 PM train to Dahanu.


The scene at the station was chaotic: a bustling, overcrowded platform and a train filled to the brim. Yet, in that moment, fuelled by an adrenaline rush, I pushed my way in. The ladies around me, sensing my struggle, kindly offered to carry my son on their lap. After some hesitation, he eventually agreed to rest with a woman sitting by the window, and he drifted off to sleep.


With my hands full and my bags safely stashed away, I suddenly realized that all the tools I usually use to pass the time—my Japa beads, my crochet hook and yarn, my book, and my earphones—were packed away. And there was no room for me to sit for the next few hours.


In that forced stillness, standing in the tightly packed train, I found myself with no distractions. Normally, I’m always doing something—reading, crocheting, chanting—but this time, I had no choice but to simply be. At first, it was uncomfortable. What would I do for the next three hours? I didn’t even know what was going through my mind or what wasn’t, but somewhere along the way, I surrendered to the moment. I embraced the silence in my mind amidst the external chaos.


By the time the train neared the last two stations, I finally found a place to sit. But the stillness within had already done its magic. The angst that had been building up over the last few days subsided, and I felt recharged. When I arrived back at the farm, I was able to tackle my pending tasks with a sense of clarity and purpose.


The Gift of Stillness in Chaos

We often crave peace in the quiet—the moments we can carve out for ourselves away from the noise of life. But sometimes, life doesn’t give us that option. The lesson I learned in that crowded Mumbai local was that peace isn’t about the absence of noise or movement—it’s about finding stillness within, no matter the external circumstances.

In our fast-paced world, we rely on distractions to fill every gap. We scroll through our phones, check emails, listen to music, or engage in hobbies. While these activities can be fulfilling, they also keep us from confronting the silence and stillness that exist within us. The crowded train forced me to be still, and it was in that stillness that I found unexpected peace.

Surrendering to the Moment

When we resist the urge to control everything around us—whether it’s finding something to do or trying to change an uncontrollable situation—we open ourselves up to a deeper connection with the present moment. That crowded train journey taught me the power of surrender, of allowing life to unfold as it will, and trusting that the peace we seek isn’t always in our control.

Take the Time to Disconnect

Often, we feel like we need to be productive at all times. The idea of "doing nothing" is uncomfortable and even frowned upon. But there is immense value in stepping back and simply being—whether you're standing in a crowded train or sitting in your favorite corner at home. In the moments of quiet and stillness, we allow our minds and hearts to reset, and this can help us approach life with renewed clarity and purpose.

Finding Stillness in Your Own Chaos

The chaotic, crowded Mumbai local was the last place I expected to find peace, but that's exactly where it found me. It reminded me that stillness is a state of mind, not a state of environment. The next time you’re caught in the hustle and bustle of life, try to embrace the chaos and look within. Surrender to the moment, and you might just discover that peace is closer than you think.

The Power of Stillness in Japa: Clarity Through Silence

After that transformative train journey, I found myself reflecting on how stillness truly enhances the quality of our inner practices, especially Japa. Normally, my mind would wander as I went through the motions of chanting, distracted by the busyness of life. But in those three hours of being forced to do nothing, I experienced a new depth of silence that stayed with me long after.

When I resumed my Japa, it was as if my mind had been cleared of clutter. The usual mental chatter quieted down, and I was able to focus with renewed clarity. Each name felt more profound, each breath more deliberate. It reminded me that when the mind is still, it becomes a clear vessel, allowing divine vibrations to settle in deeply.

The quality of Japa directly correlates to the quality of the mind. A scattered mind, jumping from one thought to another, struggles to connect with the higher truth. But when the mind is stilled—whether by external circumstances or intentional practice—clarity arises effortlessly. In that clarity, we realize the deeper meanings behind our actions, and connecting with the higher truth becomes a natural flow rather than an effort.

In this state, the names of Govind carried more resonance. They weren’t just words; they were alive with connection. I could feel the peace that had settled within me spilling over into my Japa, deepening the experience and bringing me closer to my Blue boy.

Sometimes, it takes a moment of forced stillness to remember how much power lies in silence. And in that silence, the higher truth doesn’t just appear—it shines brightly, impressing itself upon the heart, mind, and soul.

In crowded chaos,
Stillness whispers soft and clear,
Peace blooms deep within. 

Silent mind, so clear,
Govind’s name echoes within,
Truth shines bright and near.

Love and Light



  1. Amazing...👏👏🎊🙏🧿

  2. Hari bol. Such a wonderful learning. Well penned Mataji. Peace is within and not the matter of external circumstances.


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