Paint With God

Not really some realizations but just a day collected in my memory bag . . . The day began with guilt of Waking up late, compensating for which I made a plan to go to temple with my mom and my cute little cousin; to my frustration the plan was cancelled when my mother suddenly remembered my Grandma’s invitation to her home. I agreed to it as my Grandma made me promise a visit to her. So it was six of us (my aunt and her two daughters also joined in) who finally decided to surprise Grandma. . . Somewhat convinced and equally disappointed with the change of plan, I tried to accept my Day as it came. Due to the usual rush of Mumbai local, all six of us dispersed in different corners of the compartment in search of a place to sit. Nothing better could have happened, as I found sometime to chant rather than force myself into traditional talks with my mom or aunt. I felt good after few rounds and had kept aside my beads when my cousin came to call me saying that they got seats f...